Book your angelic message for the year ahead ©️

€ 19,00

In this unique reading, we receive a message directly from two Archangels for you (and these might be Archangels you've never heard of before). Additionally, we also receive a Biblical quote for you that the Angels think might be relevant for you right now.

We will then do a reading for you with some angel oracle cards that have been rewritten to align with Biblical concepts instead of contemporary New Age concepts like "lightworker," "working with crystals", "the Akashic records" (...) We also be receiving a symbolic animal and a symbolic dream for you, interpreted based on what is written in the Bible.

We conclude the reading for you by looking into each of the seasons of the upcoming year for you and what the angels can tell you about each of the seasons. $USD 20.53


©️ Copyright January 2024, Mieke Stevens